LMC Photography


Laura developed her passion for photography through wonderful influence from her mum and the overwhelming comfort from being behind the camera in stead of in front of it. With her brand, LMC Photography, she aims to capture beautiful moments in time. Her brand is simple, modern and is influenced by the Australian landscape around her in Northern Victoria.


To update the website with a more modern and professional layout. This includes adjusting the pages and their flow, as well as adding in additional ones. The overall design and colours need to be improved so it’s more eye-catching, to draw users in and make them want to view all of her work. Currently the galleries are very simple and they don’t take you on a journey.

She also wanted it to capture Australian natives to show her love of the landscape as well as paying homage to her mum’s collage which influenced her dreams to become a photographer.


Colour palette, graphic elements, Squarespace website design and build


Australian | Welcoming | Warm


I captured the essence of Laura’s brand by heroing her photography throughout the website and combining it with a combination of warm natural colours and plant graphics. The warmth of the website shows her lovely and enthusiatic personality and the different collages used show the influence from her mum’s collage, which is also featured on the website. The website is now modern and functional. Users are able to easily navigate themselves around the site and contact her for any enquires.

View her site here